The Monthly Scientist Newsletter

The Monthly Scientist

From Advancing Scientists

Hi Reader,

Welcome to the inaugural edition of our monthly newsletter: The Monthly Scientist. It's long overdue. I hope this venue will be a more intimate way to engage with you, sharing the latest articles and developments from

Recent articles

Think less, act more

Benefit from serendipity and avoid over-investment in doomed pursuits. Too much thinking and analysis will rob you of important opportunities. Apply time boxing techniques, and see how your career accelerates!

Circle of Scientists

Networking, intelligence, advisors, practice, and community in one neat package. Collaborate with your peers to collectively improve your professional lives. Apply to join a cohort today!

What scientists can learn from Jeff Bezos

A case study of the businessman through the lens of an ambitious scientist. Think long-term, make disciplined decisions, and stay true to your mission: learn from the example Bezos has lived out.

I encourage you to browse the website, schedule an introductory coaching session, or engage me directly at And if you appreciate our content, tell a friend or colleague.

I'm here to serve you and your fellow scientists. I'll meet you wherever you're at and help you flourish--whatever that means to you. I'm so proud of the help I've provided to scientists through Advancing Scientists so far, and I look forward to serving thousands more in the coming years.


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